Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) estimates that 61% of all energy in households is used for space heating, 19% for water heating, 17% for lighting and appliances, and only 2% for cooking...."> Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) estimates that 61% of all energy in households is used for space heating, 19% for water heating, 17% for lighting and appliances, and only 2% for cooking....">

Where Can I Find My GPRN and MPRN?

Where Can I Find My GPRN and MPRN?

Date Published 23 August 2022

Are you wondering where you can find your GPRN and MPRN numbers? If you use gas or electricity these numbers will appear on your bill. Did you know that homes use a quarter of all energy in Ireland? The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) estimates that 61% of all energy in households is used for space heating, 19% for water heating, 17% for lighting and appliances, and only 2% for cooking.

We all have a growing awareness of the impact our energy use has on the environment. According to the SEAI, there is extensive growth in the use of renewable energy. It is helped by new building regulations that require new homes to generate a portion of their energy from renewable sources, whether thermal water heating, solar PV electricity or heat pumps.

So, what do GPRN and MPRN stand for, and where do you find them?

What Is Your GPRN and Where To Find It?

Do you use gas in your home? The Gas Point Registration Number (GPRN) is a unique 7-digit reference number found on the bill from your natural gas supplier.

It is allocated by Gas Networks Ireland (GNI), which is responsible for operating and maintaining the gas network in Ireland and is the only group that can connect your home to gas.

What is a gas point? A gas point is the point where gas is taken from the gas network system into your home. Each gas point gets a unique registration number called the GPRN. The GPRN for your home must be quoted in all correspondence about your gas energy use, whether with your direct supplier, or the GNI.

If you built a new home, but don’t have a gas bill yet, contact Gas Networks Ireland (GNI) to verify your GPRN. Have you bought a new house or apartment? The builder will have the Gas Point Registration Number (GPRN) for your property.

Switching gas suppliers is easy with Property Button, but first, you need to know if gas is available for your home, and you can use the gas network map to find out. Remember, even if natural gas is available in your county, it might not be available to your home.

What Is Your MPRN and Where To Find It?

Are you contemplating switching electricity suppliers but don’t know how to identify your property? Find the MPRN number. The Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) is a unique 11-digit number assigned to the electricity connection and meter at your home. You will find it on the top right-hand corner of your electricity bill.

Meter Point Reference Numbers (MPRN) are allocated by the Electricity Supply Board (ESB), a government-owned corporation tasked to build, operate, maintain, and develop the electricity network of the country. The MPRN is a quick way for the electricity supplier and the ESB to identify your property and provide the services you need.

Because the electricity supply in Ireland is privatised, you can use any private supplier of electricity for your home. Just quote the Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) in correspondence with your electricity supplier and the Electricity Supply Board (ESB). If you own a newly built home, verify your MPRN by calling the ESB. Provide them with the reference number, meter serial number, and confirm the address. If the meter has not been installed, your builder would have the MPRN so you can arrange a meter fit.

Are GPRN and MPRN The Same Thing?

It is clear that the Gas Point Registration Number (GPRN) and Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) are not the same things, but it does serve the same purpose. If you are moving homes, these unique identification numbers will make connecting gas or electricity utilities less stressful.

Property Button is a privately-owned Irish Business and will help you change your utilities at no cost. Using our digital service is far easier and much quicker than dealing with all the utilities directly. Are you committed to environmental sustainability? We can help you with green choices. You need your GPRN and MPRN numbers for switching energy suppliers. Contact Property Button today.